Thursday, December 20, 2007

The missed flight fiasco

I’d always remember yesterday’s night – not only because it was so full of jitters with a mix of thrill. The sad part though is that it ended sadly and in the recent light of things created tense moods between me and one of my best friends.

For the past week, I had been totally ablaze to be going to Mood Indigo after two years of planning and plans getting cancelled for some funny reasons. But I guess some things are not really meant for you. Shubham’s plan got cancelled the last moment and Aarti needed to go early, creating too many complications for my plan. Not that I blame them, I could have been gone but fests are meant to be enjoyed with friends and not alone…..

Now that the plans had gotten cancelled, and I had been longing to meet friends for having been away from them for so long, I thought I’d meet Aarti and drop her to the airport. The problems started with us opting for an early morning flight leading to worries about late-night travels. It’s not considered very safe for girls to travel alone especially at night, so I had offered to travel to Chandigarh to pick Dumbo up. It was better than waiting in Delhi and would also have given me time to catch up with her.

Not that I trust her in such matters but this time I did. She was to finalize the plan and I’d just adhere. I had loads of time to reach Chandigarh but I preferred to spend most of it in Roorkee itself. There was always the situation that if I landed in Chandigarh early, I might need to go to her home. Now this is something which makes me real uncomfortable, because these mom’s always have an endless list of questions, which Aarti too realized and her plans might be risked as well because when travelling with friends, you are not always the truest in telling everything to your parents. ;)

So I left quite late and landed there around 9’o clock. According to Aarti’s plan (read her assumption :P), we were to take a bus at 9:45 and land in Delhi in 4 hours giving us loads of time to reach the airport. This proved to be the bane of all miseries as it was only later that we realized that it was possible only if the bus had some jet engines. The conductor started giving all the worries with the announcement of a 4 AM arrival in Delhi given we were lucky enough to get past the traffic jams quickly and the driver didn’t sleep on the way. Too much to digest!!

Now that the damage had been done and it was all upon luck, the start wasn’t good enough. The driver seemed to be in a state of slumber. A group of people had gathered to wake him up and even water had to be used to get him back to his senses. Might seem funny to others but somebody must have had her heart in her mouth. Aarti was giving all sorts of weird expressions and wasn’t speaking much. I guess that what happens when you are too enthusiastic and then realize you might spoil it all because of one foolish act.

We left ourselves to luck and continued on with the journey. To add to our woes, we got stuck in a long traffic jam which seemed almost endless and took 45 minutes to clear and the snacks break which although was a brief one looked like it lasted ages. Aarti got all panicky and I was praying that we just get there on time. Spending the night talking, gossiping, sleeping in all sorts of weird fashions, and tackling the weird drunkard in the seat ahead, we managed to reach Delhi border around 4 o’clock. The milestone still read 33 kms to Delhi. Woah!!! Will we miss our flight was the question in mind. Helpless as we were, we had to wait another 30 long minutes before the bus arrived at the ISBT.

Here starts the thrilling part. Getting down in a rush, I got hold of the first autowalah I saw and asked him to get us to the airport as quickly as he can. He too made out the urgency at hand and promised to get there in much lesser time than we had given him. When you have easy preys, everybody wants to make the maximum out of them and he told us that it would cost 500 frickin bucks to the airport. Although it was a bit too much but then when larger things are at stake, such amounts seem petite.

To avoid any further delays, we hired him. But when it’s not your day, nothing seems to go right. He had to stop for gas and that wasted another few precious minutes. I was cursing the autowalah like anything. But once his vehicle had its diet, its driver’s energy came back too. Cutting sharp turns, passing through inexistent spaces between vehicles, jumping traffic lights, almost having accident twice – the autowalah drove in full swing. A distance of around 30 kms was covered in mere 25 minutes….I am not very good calculations but that’s an insanely high average speed of almost 70 kmph!!!!!!!!!

But this wasn’t the end of our miseries. Once we were inside, we needed to look for the Go Air check in terminal. But it seemed to have vanished. Running frantically from one gate to another, we realized that the small passageway which I was assuming to be the exit actually led to gate 3 through to the final destination. Another few precious moments wasted. There was no time for bye-byes and Aarti went inside in a hurry. I sat there waiting for her call, hoping that I would return alone. But our quota of luck had already been exhausted. I saw a girl in yellow arguing with 2 officials to let her in, only to realize that her fate had been decided.

Arguing, fighting and finally cursing them Aarti came out with a totally dejected expression on her face. The pain was amplified by the fact that it was because of her ignorance and poor plans. She sat there in total consternation. - taking her time to digest all what had happened. But it was too much I guess. I finally dropped her to ISBT and put her on a bus back to home. Sadness, dejection, frustration, anger – It was time for all negative emotions. It was really a sad end!!

Monday, December 17, 2007

The Tiesto Phenomenon : The power of Trance personified

I once read somewhere, “Music has the power to wake up the dead”. It can be so spellbinding that it can swing emotions within. And the first thing which comes to my mind when I think of something which is totally irresistible, something that is captivating, that makes your feet thumping is “TRANCE”.

Electronic music has that power which no other genre can ever deliver. It feels as if heart goes into a rhythm as the beats fall and rise rapidly. Traditionally characterized as music with high tempo, but for me the definition is much more crude. Anything that is fast, with periodic swings of tempo, something that only a select few can enjoy, anything that has all components of electronic instruments that goes into its making is Trance. And one person whose music totally fits my profile is none other than “The lord of trance” – DJ Tiesto.

Tiesto – some people refer to him as a phenomenon, a total revolution in new age trance. There is an immense source of energy in his music which can recharge your batteries and bring you back to life from the saddest of moods. His music feels so very stimulating and invigorating.

Some people think he belongs to Mount Olympus and can just remix others’ records. But for me, he is the God. I am not much of a band-crazy music lover but if there is one person I simply adore, its Tiesto. “Tiesto rocks!”

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

When love becomes painful

Love they say is one of the most beautiful things that can ever happen to you. Life totally goes over a makeover when you are in love. The chief motivating factor in many of our lives is love. That one strong bond of friendship, that becomes much more. People go to extraordinary lengths and costs to find love, or to give it, to keep it, to hope for it. But some are lucky enough to find love in their best friends.

It’s the most amazing feeling to have, to have that one special friend totally capture your dreams, that one special person whom you always want to spend your time with, whom you want to talk with all day and all night. Money, fame, wealth – all seem so petite when they are measured on the scale of this invaluable treasure.

One would any day prefer to give all his time to being with the people he loves, rather than being paid to spend time working for people whom he doesn’t love, doesn’t care for. Similarly, it’s better to stay single till you find that one special soul for you. The love that motivates people to give freely their very lives is greatly inspiring.

Love for some only becomes meaningful when it’s reciprocated. For some it’s just a one-way affair but it’s still much more satisfying. But then it all depends on how much you love somebody. Now this one is from the movies, but there are various degrees of love. Love you get over in two months. Big love, two years. And Great love…Great love changes your life.

Great love is when you care more about your loved ones than you do about yourself. When their happiness, their dreams, their aspirations feel much bigger than your own. Great love is when you are willing to sacrifice anything; you are willing to go any depths, to fight with any troubles just to see your loved ones happy. Great love is when there’s nobody in this world who can make you smile more.

When love is rejected, it pains, it pains a lot. But the wounds heal – time comes to your rescue. Big love makes your life to a standstill but there is always a chance to find that second most important person in your life – there is always that chance to close the previous chapter and move on.

Great love is never rejected, it’s always lost. But when it’s lost, something inside a man dies. It’s like that element of life taken away from you. You feel like a body without a soul. It doesn’t pain, it doesn’t torment you, it doesn’t excruciate you – it kills you. Because once great love attaches to you, it doesn’t leave you. You can’t stop thinking about it – not even for a moment. It really is life changing.

And when great love is lost all you can do is run away just living with hopes and memories – hopes that seem more important than ever and memories that seem sweeter than ever.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Grayer shades of life: The darkness within

Human personality is a blend of a plethora of qualities – some good, some bad, some desirable, some inherent. But it’s not a unique entity. In my opinion every individual has multiple shades to how he presents himself to the environment – each with its own peculiar virtues and vices. This in itself is an inherent attribute of human personality.

If I for once think how I portray myself to my parents, with my friends, with my coworkers, with acquaintances and with unknowns – I can come up with at least five different answers for all the five categories and even more when I consider myself in different scenarios. This for once might seem a very generic statement but then it’s how human life has been designed. Most of us have different faces for various people in our lives.

And not all of these faces are beautiful – at least not the ones which most people hide from the eyes of the world. Every individual’s life has some grayer shades. Purity is seldom to be found, there is bound to exist some darkness within everybody in this demoniacal world, so scandalous and sinful.

When I for once reflect upon my inner-self, I find loads of bad patches on my persona. There are things everybody does which he or she is not proud of and I am no exception. There are great moments when I have had to be selfish and some when there have been extreme levels of egocentricity. I consider myself to be a person who has lived for his friends but at time I did unknowingly harm my friends, even stabbed them in the back for selfish gains. Lying, there is nothing wrong in it when it’s not discovered and it’s not extremely disturbing for others. But there have been lies which if revealed could create a whole makeover of things going on in my life.

There are people whose life is an open book and some prefer to keep it shunned to themselves. I believe mine is one which has three volumes. The first volume, I try to keep it as public as possible. The second one is known only to people really close to me, friends: partners in crime. But there is this last version, full of dark chapters – ugly and mean which I prefer to be keep only to myself, not even to be revealed to the people those are really close to me.

No matter how much you try to keep this darkness limited, it always keeps on growing. Life has been designed that way and nobody can escape from the demon within.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Dodgy desires

I looked at the rich and desired for money. I looked at a sweet little kid and desired for innocence. I looked at a happy couple and desired for love.... I looked at life...I looked at myself...Compound of needs and necessities, most of them hard to satisfy. Even if they were to be satisfied, the state of painlessness would be too boring. Goals are mere illusions which vanish when we reach them. And even sensual pleasure itself means nothing but a struggle and aspiration, ceasing the moment its aim is attained.

Desire: The root cause of all misery and pain in life. If humans were satisfied with all what they have, there would be no ambitions, no desire. But this in itself is no good. It may seem paradoxical, but desires are the driving force of life; it is only when that we try too hard to strive for those goals, those desires - when suffering starts coming into play. When you know you can have something, all the abilities and resources to strive for your goals but the moment your dreams are shattered and you are forced to stop just moments away from conquering your desires – the frustration is boundless.

(These are my thoughts as I lay on my bed here in NUS, getting bored, frustrated without friends; unable to realize what I have achieved so far, whether I have been able to live those dreams; whether my long-lived ambition of travelling the whole world as it now seems to be on the path to being achieved seems so pleasure-less…….Is this all what I wanted – a lonely life.....Life is a bitch)

Sunday, August 12, 2007

A nightmare relived

Retrospection – My favorite past time. I love to trace back my life, reliving the memories sitting idle on my bed. You can have a totally different perspective of the events of the past. It’s an amazing feeling that my past has had so many sweet memories. But many a times, there are sad thoughts as well. Things unable to have been forgotten – things that I’ve done and I am not proud of, they form an essentially large chunk of my reminiscent thoughts.

Brain is a complex device. Most actions you do are voluntary. But then there is a part over which you have just slight control. Dreams – some say they are a reflection of what you think during the day. Difficult to believe at first but then I did realize this when one particular dream started to haunt me and still continues to do so often.

Loneliness is awful. I have always feared loneliness, especially separation from friends. There was a time when I often thought about how life would be without people I love, people I care for. Though I knew the result always would be sadness but then I couldn’t stop thinking about it. There were tears as well and stupid grins too. But then brain is a complex device – you can’t manipulate thoughts every time.

This chain of events shaped my nightmare – the dream that still leads to teary eyes every time I wake up in the middle of the night. It goes something like this.

I have always been a person who has lived for his friends, treasured them like invaluable diamonds. But then one day, I do something bad – a heinous crime that involves my best friends. I stab them in the back and act in the most selfish way, destroy their lives totally. Life goes on. One day I wake to find myself on an island. Long stretches of mountains are visible in the background hinting towards the vastness of the island. All alone by myself, I start walking. Beautiful palm trees line the shore as I watch from the top of a cliff. But the water is giving me the creeps inside – a possibility that I might be left all by myself on this paradise. I continue walking for miles. The island is full of fruit trees, fresh water, birds of paradise chirping their sweet song, but there is no human to be seen. This mere fact is exhaustive in its own way. Days pass by when one day I see a house from a mountain. A ray of hope shimmers and I reach that house after a few hours of walk. Now this house is not some ordinary piece of sand and brick structure. It’s no smaller than a castle and its magnificence can be felt even from the outside. The hope brightens and I enter that house and start exploring it. Ornate ceilings, gold furnishings, sophisticated design – the house has a totally royal look. There is everything for survival – foods of all types, shelves lined with books, modern gadgets, and rooms with furnishings I’ve never ever seen. The only thing missing in the whole house is its occupants. Its only after searching the entire house that I realize that my worst thoughts have been realized and I have been shunned into a life of social seclusion. It’s then when tears start filling my eyes and I cry – and I cry for hours.

All that is what happens in my dreams but I often wake up shockingly only to find myself with wet eyes.

“Loneliness is awful”.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The best two months of my life

Australia, Australia, Australia – why do I have to leave you. Can’t the time be stopped, can’t some miracle happen to let me stay here for some more time, to let me appreciate this beautiful country a bit more. Sadness grips me as the day of our departure gets nearer. The journey till the day we caught our flights was exciting but the journey of the last two months has been totally enthralling.

Singapore: Stepping outside the country for first time, entering this city of high-rises, a country where dirt and rubbish seems like a thing of the legends, with people so friendly, a culture so rich and the attractions so charming - Singapore was a perfect start. Coming from a country known for unclean environment, it left me wondering, how can something be so clean and properly organized. The aroma of food was so captivating – it was sad that I couldn’t experience it with me being almost a vegetarian. Huge shopping malls built all around were like shopping heaven for shopaholics like me.

A perfect stay: The family we have stayed with made our stay such a pleasant experience. The way they have treated us like family - it feels like we have known them for so long. With Bhaiyya and Bhabhi being very young, it was very comfortable for us to interact with them freely. We found a great friend in Bhaiyya, he does all sorts of bakar with us, advises us, enjoys with us, and tries to pull the leg of one or the other every time. The best thing I’ll miss is the wonderful food Bhabhi cooks for us. Being in Australia, getting Indian food and that too even better than the one you’d get in most restaurants outside, all credit goes to Bhabhi – who is talented in almost all sorts of cuisines. Soumya and Arya – though they trouble us a lot, but the sound of “Chachu” from these innocent kids sound so cute. God, I’ll miss these people

Chilly Canberra: The weather has been very chilly. Though it did not snow but the temperature dropped below zero many a time at nights – something I have always wanted to experience. But the heaters, the fiber clad houses, and we being laden with clothes all the time, the only time I felt seriously cold was when me and Kislay went on a 2 A.M. night-walk on the day when temperature dropped below minus four.

Influenza: As it is said that nothing can be ideal, this trip even wasn’t. There was a time when just a week before the Melbourne trip I caught common cold. Bed-ridden, experiencing extreme weakness, fever, malaise and nausea – I thought I had caught typhoid. My fear was aggravated by monetary concerns given the high costs of treatment. Bhaiyya kept me to keep my calm and said it was just a normal In-FLU-enza, very common in this cold climate. Now this word seemed very new to me, further heightening my tension. It was then when Wikipedia helped me to realize, it was just a normal case of Common cold, something I only knew as “Viral”. A rest for three days and I was all set for another exciting trip to the sports capital of Australia.

The best city to live in: Undoubtedly, Canberra is the best city to settle in. I have always been crazy to get settled abroad – US to be precise. But having lived these two beautiful months in Canberra, realizing how peaceful and nice this place is, this place surely would on the top of the chart on the places I’d like to live in. Mild population density, amazing infrastructure, beautiful surroundings – there is nothing more I can ask for.

Sydney: A jugaad of mine got us a two night stay in Four Points by Sheradon – the biggest hotel of Australia – a place where you need to shell out big bucks to stay in. Although we lucky fellas had to pay even less than what we paid the third night in a normal hotel. Sydney was a totally mesmerizing city – undoubtedly one of the best tourist destinations in the world. The opera house, the Sydney tower, the Sydney casino, shopping malls – even bigger than those in Singapore, McDonalds lying at every 10 minutes distance, I simply fell in love with that place. But the best thing about Sydney trip was the adventurous Skydiving we did. Falling from a height of 14000 feet at a speed of 250 kmph, it was worth every penny.

Melbourne: A trip just to spend a bit of money we had amassed over the past month, Melbourne is a unique city. Great attractions line every part of this city – connected by a network of trams – something which was totally new for me. Though rain hampered our experience a bit – but still seeing MCG and Rod Laver Arena from close up is a chance not many can get. Just like the enjoyment in Sydney was accentuated by the Skydiving, this place had the journey through “Great Ocean Road” on offer. This road running parallel to the ocean had on offer some really amazing views, beautiful surfing beaches, a visit to “The Twelve Apostles” – this is one place where you’d surely love to go on a long drive with your girlfriend.

Mark and the cool internship: We couldn’t have been any luckier to meet a person like Dr. Mark Pickering. The coolest professor ever – it was really funny when he used to roam around in his knickers within the campus, didn’t even say a word when he found us sleeping through work innumerable no. of times. Although I had been a bit anxious about my capabilities on completing this project, but Mark made the whole internship seem like a cakewalk.

I really will miss all this!!!! :(

Monday, July 16, 2007


Australia has been like a beautiful dream, a memory that I’ll cherish forever. A totally mesmerizing experience – far better than I had ever imagined……The beautiful preview of Singapore – my residence for next five months, the chilly winter of Canberra, those fights with Kislay, the lovely food Bhabhi cooked for us, the tiny tots and their sounds of “Chachu chachu”, those early morning chats with Dumbo, the trips into this beautiful country, an amazing internship, the amazing bakar sessions with Bhaiyya – “God I’ll miss all this so dearly”……………But then every dream has to come to an end.

Recollecting the experience in itself is so exciting, it can’t be described, rather just felt. The two phases of this trip – the planning and execution – so very opposite of each other – each offering unique moments of happiness as well as fear.

The journey to an Aussie vacation

The lucky start: Being within the first persons to receive an internship call from a foreign university was in itself a lucky charm – a sign for better things to come my way. To add to that, was the handsome stipend of five grand. And nothing could have been any better than the company of two people same branch, same hostel and even same group – two of my best friends…..

The search for accommodation: Much to my surprise, Canberra was unlike other Australian cities. Though Australia is big, but it’s capital had hardly any place on offer for students like us to stay. Fascinating houses came our way – one’s with fancy furnishings, swimming pools, modern appliances and what not – ranging from 300-400 dollars a week only to be rejected by my two companions on the grounds of being too costly – only later to be found that we rejected some golden opportunities. The photos above are only some of the few that I came across – there were many more on offering. With rejections from almost all real estate agencies, I decided to stick to the “Beggers are not choosers policy” and decided to go for a single bedroom apartment for 600 dollars a week – too much by Indian standards.

And it was then that Vaibhav decided to contact some acquaintance – the son of his neighbor who had recently shifted to Canberra to help us out. He offered us a stay in his house as a paying guest. Though I argued against it, accepting only when I was outvoted….But then what I fool would I have been not to accept.

Visa & Flight problems: Our visa application got delayed because Vaibhav had still not got his passport and we had decided to apply together. The situation worsened with flights getting costlier and availability declining at a steady pace. Though I had been trying with multiple agencies to get hold of a flight to Canberra, all of them required a confirmed visa. Once again, Vaibhav came to our rescue and some uncle of his got us a ticket booked on the dates we wanted without the submission of Visa and they even offered us to pay for the ticket within a fortnight.

Australian Immigration: Australia has one of the strictest immigration policies in the world and they decided to give us jitters before the start of our trip by declaring that the earliest they can decide whether they are willing to issue us Visas are just a week before the date of our flight. All sort of stupid interviews followed, unnecessary forms were asked to be filled, vague replies about the application status from the embassy – those were the fears that haunted me for almost two months.

Singapore Visa: With uncertainity in the date when our passport will arrive back, we had decided that we will apply for Singapore visa on arrival at the Singapore airport itself when one day I realized that we would be arriving in Singapore on a Saturday evening – a delay of a day and half before we could find the visa office opened on Monday.

The Australian immigration decided not to ruin our party. We got back our passports in time, got the Singapore visa stamped in India itself. Loads of concerns followed – how we’ll stuff so much stuff within 20 kg limit, how we’ll manage our food, how would we able to meet the expectations a professor has from us budding IITians, how would we survive the freezing cold of Australia, how life would be without friends, without family……..

But it’s now only that I can realize that it has been a perfect journey – paths carving out of nowhere through every trouble we encountered. And now I can understand the true meaning of “All is well that ends well”.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Mah Cronies !

Friend. Pal. Amigo. Buddy. Chum.....So many words...All for the same - the most valuable possessions one can ever have - or as some wise soul said, "One mind in two bodies". For me, my friends means much more...The best gifts I could ever get. So I dedicate this very first blog of mine (leave apart that stupid introduction), to my best pals, my partners in crime - if I ever committed one :)

Freond, as it originated. "Love incarnate". Someone whom you can trust your life with. Trust, that is returned. Relationship "Perfecto"....

Though there are so many people, I've known since childhood whom I care about, whom I can relate with, with that beautiful word, but some people are special - whom you cherish to have known all along. And here are those special angels of mine......

Sharma Ji "The precious one" - Coolness, calmness, composure - now that's what this guy is all about. Vivek can be the life of any group. With the all the maturity inside him, he's the one whom everybody likes to look upon. And he's always there for you..

Shubham "The coolest one" - I still remember that first Watch Out meeting where this smart chap introduces himself as The coolest one - Kelvinator :) Shubhi, is still like dat. Alvs having a cool attitude towards life. Now this guy taught me an endless list of things. Living for more than marks and grades, its the first thing I can take out from Shubham's guidebook. The great adventures college life had to offer, I would have been so unaware of them had this guy not been there. And ya, ofcourse he introduced me to his unique colored dressing sense ranging from Purple to green to ..... :)

Kislay "The cutest one" - Mr. Chinku has always been the cute guy of our grp. His "Kya kad dahe ho" is like really cute. Had some really gr8 time with him Down Under. And to some hand, this guy had a hand in me landing with that offer. Not that he ever realized it. Love u Kisi!

Aarti "The Sweetest One" - This lady is all about living life king size. Full of energy and life. I wonder how can somebody be so charming and vivacious. I really cherish her friendship. Thanks dudette for being there.

Arun "The One who'll always stand up for you" - I guess I can say nothing more than that. If there is one guy, who'll always be there to help you in the worse of time, its the Prince of Seodha. :P

Swami "The knowledgable one" - Swamiji is all about maturity, knowledge, philosophy. He and Sharma are like the advice center of our group. Always has some unique views about everything, most of which tend to be wrong :P but still everybody loves Swami, the bond.!

Six people that have totally made me change. Six people I never ever expect to forget in my life. Six people without whom life would have been tasteless. Six people which made things look brighter and beautiful.

My eyes become all sad and deep thoughts take over when I even have to think of life in college without these guys. Hope our friendship continues for ages!!!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

For the very first time!!

A blog is something which is least expected outta guys like me…But still, I do write sometimes…Its like, sometimes you feel like sharing your feelings with anybody, except for a lifeless paper may be. Or as my keyboard knows better, how I beat the hell outta it to create some really sentimental piece of MS-Word file….

A paras or two, scribbled down and dumped away in some unnoticed folder on my comp - dats how its always been. I've been reading a lot of random blogs lately...So decided to create my own too...Still I don’t write that well…Guess, the Shakespeare in me hasn't come to life yet.

The funny blogspot address – ‘A Bugs Tale‘ .. I wanted to name it ‘A bugs life’..But some stupid moron, who has left blogging long back since 2004, wanted to ruin my happiness. I like this name newayz…‘BUGS’ - My nickname, dats Ridhi's gift! Dunno if this was inspired by that movie that really bugs me or if it was from dat cute ‘Bugs Bunny’…Wateva..Who cares!! But thx Ridhi, for the nice name. Saved me some time to think about a decent name....

As for this beautiful image, something very characteristic of me - "Pessimism", so perfectly depicted by the setting sun. N wat can be better than to put something you captured urself. Photographer indeed, I am... :D

N ya, there is something peculiar about the title as well…Insane but true. Coz most of d feelings I pen down are the ones which are like really sentimental.

Retrospection - My favorite past time

And when I retrospect, something really crazy takes me over…A profusion of emotions – Happiness, Sweet memories, Bad memories, Sadness. I do laugh at times at the silliest of things I’ve done. Even shed a tears or two at times.

Hey, if somebody was reading all this, and felt like banging their head somewhere, then its not my fault. I had already warned you…No words of wisdom here! :P