Tuesday, November 20, 2007

When love becomes painful

Love they say is one of the most beautiful things that can ever happen to you. Life totally goes over a makeover when you are in love. The chief motivating factor in many of our lives is love. That one strong bond of friendship, that becomes much more. People go to extraordinary lengths and costs to find love, or to give it, to keep it, to hope for it. But some are lucky enough to find love in their best friends.

It’s the most amazing feeling to have, to have that one special friend totally capture your dreams, that one special person whom you always want to spend your time with, whom you want to talk with all day and all night. Money, fame, wealth – all seem so petite when they are measured on the scale of this invaluable treasure.

One would any day prefer to give all his time to being with the people he loves, rather than being paid to spend time working for people whom he doesn’t love, doesn’t care for. Similarly, it’s better to stay single till you find that one special soul for you. The love that motivates people to give freely their very lives is greatly inspiring.

Love for some only becomes meaningful when it’s reciprocated. For some it’s just a one-way affair but it’s still much more satisfying. But then it all depends on how much you love somebody. Now this one is from the movies, but there are various degrees of love. Love you get over in two months. Big love, two years. And Great love…Great love changes your life.

Great love is when you care more about your loved ones than you do about yourself. When their happiness, their dreams, their aspirations feel much bigger than your own. Great love is when you are willing to sacrifice anything; you are willing to go any depths, to fight with any troubles just to see your loved ones happy. Great love is when there’s nobody in this world who can make you smile more.

When love is rejected, it pains, it pains a lot. But the wounds heal – time comes to your rescue. Big love makes your life to a standstill but there is always a chance to find that second most important person in your life – there is always that chance to close the previous chapter and move on.

Great love is never rejected, it’s always lost. But when it’s lost, something inside a man dies. It’s like that element of life taken away from you. You feel like a body without a soul. It doesn’t pain, it doesn’t torment you, it doesn’t excruciate you – it kills you. Because once great love attaches to you, it doesn’t leave you. You can’t stop thinking about it – not even for a moment. It really is life changing.

And when great love is lost all you can do is run away just living with hopes and memories – hopes that seem more important than ever and memories that seem sweeter than ever.

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